Blooming Orange in the Garden
I love orange. I love everything about the color orange. I mean, seriously, my company’s logo colors are fiery orange and glacier blue. Why have I not thought about growing an entire garden based on my favorite color??? I do not have a degree in horticulture for nothing! Sigh. Sometimes I miss the obvious. Check out the coolio fruits and veggies I found that come in a wide array of orange! Most are Heirloom which makes them organic and non-GMO, which is my preferred way to garden. I am also a Certified Seedaholic so I want these seeds! WANT. 🙂
Tell me in the comments what you want to grow this year in orange, and you just might be the lucky recipient of those seeds!
Beefsteak Tomato Orange Brandywine – 25 Organic Heirloom Seeds $6.95
Melon Hales Best – 25 Organic Heirloom Seeds
Waltham Butternut – 25 Heirloom Seeds $1.99
Tiger Melon – 10 Rare Organic Heirloom Seeds $1.99
Toga Striped Eggplant – 20 Heirloom Seeds $2.95
Sweet Orange Bell Pepper – 50 Seeds $4.44
Pumpkin Big Max – 100 Heirloom Seeds $4.39
Hot Orange Habanero Pepper – 300 Heirloom Seeds $2.39
Swiss Chard Fantasia Orange – $3.80
Miniature Orange Tree – 5 seeds 9.99
Scarlet Nantes Carrot – 1300 Heirloom Seeds $0.99
Organic Watermelon Seeds $8.99
Orange Cheddar Cauliflower – $3.99
I’d love to grow melons but there is nothing better than garden fresh carrots. Delish!
I would love to grow orange bell peppers with the carrots. Along with orange marigolds to help pollinate the blooms. Although that Tiger Melon looks very intriguing !! Ive never seen that variety before. very interesting!