The Brewers Dinner
The First Annual Frozen River Fest was held in Soldonta, Alaska, on February 7, 2015 and had 871 people join in on the crazy fun. I was one of them! When I looked at the forecast and saw that with wind chill, it was going to get down below 0, I was a little worried. Ok, a lot worried. I headed down from Anchorage on Friday night to go to the Brewers Dinner. It was perfect – not too large, a chance to talk with my favorite breweries, and some great food to munch on.
Shawn Standley with Denali Brewing Company pouring my new best friend.
I’m having a little love affair with this 2014 Saison le Coq. Its base is a pilsner malt and flaked rye, barrel aged with flaked onion and caraway. Bottle conditioned with champagne yeast. Damn delicious!
This was my first time trying the Alaska Meadery and I was surprised how much I enjoyed it. I thought it was going to be too sweet, but it was just right.
Stop smiling! Well, that’s hard to do when you are holding Broken Tooth Brewery’s Tropical IPA. An IPA I like!
The brewers taking a break from pouring to let me snap a couple photos. Lot of good looking people beer in this shot. Lolz.
I was quite happy to take that Royal Imperial Stout out of his hands from Homer Brewery Company.
The King St beers were laying down on the job again I see.
Now this Illuminate Black IPA from Arkose Brewery I was happy to drink! It was made with copious amounts of black, chocolate, and crystal malts, Belgium candy sugar, Magnum and Cascade hops. It was released on Winter Solstice.
Fallen Angel Golden Ale from Midnight Sun is a very crisp and fruit forward Belgian-style Ale. The Devil though is in its strength – a full bottle will get you!
Frozen River Fest
After a good night’s sleep and waking up and writing for a few hours, I was ready to head down to the center of town for the Frozen River Fest. First though, I headed over to Kenai River Brewing Company to pick up my glasses for the event. And you know, to have a breakfast beer to start the day off right!
Not a bad way to start the day! I loved those Frozen River Fest glasses too. They had handles that made for easy stacking, and had little divots on the sides so the released easily. Perfect party glasses that’s for sure! I have the contact for them if you want them for your next event – I met him and his wife and they were super cool people to hang out with. Love making new friends!
Lines weren’t very long to get into event. It was a cloudy overcast day, but it was too cold to snow. Ever heard of that before? Too cold to snow is something I have learned this year – so weird – and not a fan!
I put on every layer of clothing I had with me, plus heat warmers in my snow boots and in my gloves. It wasn’t enough! I ended up borrowing these real seal fur Army gloves that were 35 years old. I was SO cold but quite happy.
People enjoying their beers, chatting with friends, and hanging around the burn barrels. Thankfully, there were bonfires scattered throughout the event. The were SO needed!
Look at our beautiful this fire bowl from BAFCO was! I would love to have this in my backyard.
When in Alaska, you must try an Alaskan Reindeer Sausage hot dog. Delicious! Not the easiest thing to eat with huge gloves on, but I sure found a way to manage.
By the end of the afternoon all that wood was burned up to keep the crowd warm. Alaska heat lamps the old fashion way.
The brewers all bundled up serving their Alaska craft beer. That Whiskey Barrel Wheatwine from Broken Tooth Brewery was easily one of my favorites from this event. I brought one home and I can’t decide if I want to drink it or put it into my beer collection. Decisions. Decisions.
I had the chance to try a few more varieties from Celestial Meads. I don’t know a lot about meads and after this weekend, I definitely want to!
Beer Creek Winery out of Homer definitely had the coolest setup. Love that metal pouring station!
Check it out from the back. Wine on tap – Yes, Please! Now, why didn’t I think of that? If you get down to their winery in Homer, try the Strawberry Rhubarb wine.
Having a little bit of fun serving up good Alaskan Craft Beer on a cold winter’s day. Cheers!
What happens after a day drinking? Dancing, of course!
The famous Kenai River all almost frozen over. Alaska has had one of the warmest winters ever on record. For the first time in years this river, and most of Alaska has not completely frozen. There has been very little snow as well.
Who wants to come visit me in Alaska and check out the next beer festival?
I have always wanted to go to Alaska. It is beautiful. but unfortunately the closest I have gotten is the Discovery channel. Great photos. I bet it was a good time too.
I never thought I wanted to go to Alaska and then one day decided to venture up. Best decision ever! I’ve never seen anything so beautiful as this state.
Hi Kristi, great article and thank you for mentioning us. Have you been to Fairbanks yet? HooDoo Brewery and Silver Gulch are up there. I got to go up there for work before march 13th…let me know if you like to swing along. Have a great weekend
I haven’t been to those breweries yet. I would love to swing along!! That sounds like a lot of fun.
This looks like so much fun. I don’t know if I could have handled the cold though. Maybe with a couple of drinks though I wouldn’t notice. Thank you so much for sharing
The drinks before during and after is how I survived!
I’ll take Alaska in June, thank you. Brrrrr.
I am sorry but I can’t see going from tent to tent in the freezing cold drinking Cold Beer! Lol!! I would be wanting mugs of Hot Cider, Cocoa or coffee! Lol! When I was Younger in my 20″s I probably would enjoy it but not now at 68. I enjoy warmth in the cold!! Brrrrr. But you are young and I know you had a Great Time. God Bless!!
My dream has always been to visit Alaska someday!
Wow….so many interesting brews to choose from! I want to try some mead for sure.
Looks like a fun time–Alaska is the best!
I’ve always wanted to visit Alaska and enjoy all the majestic scenery. The Frozen River Fest sounds like a fun event to enjoy if I ever get the chance to go.