Can you even imagine just having One Green Smoothie A Day for 72 Hours? I’m still trying to wrap my brain around it as my stomach is already growling. Why would anyone do something so insane? Is it safe? Can I still exercise while doing it? First off, I bet you are wondering why the hell I’m going to do it at all.
This is why… after I ate a piece of cheese yesterday the area under my eye became very swollen, tingling, and quite red. I knew I was having an allergic reaction to something, but couldn’t quite figure out what. I haven’t had soy, wheat, alcohol, or sweet dairy like creamers or ice cream.
But I did have a slice of Kraft American Cheese. I love cheese, all cheese. Apparently, even make-believe processed cheese. I had to search and found that they use a food starch to separate the layers of cheese. Kraft does not say what that is. I know soy lecithin is used for this with other foods, so I can only assume (I don’t know for sure), that this is what is going on. Well, what I do know, is now ALL dairy is off the table for me until my body calms the eff down.
I’m 18 days into this 30 Day Detox and I am still reacting like crazy. I’m at my wits end. I’m depressed, my mind is a scary place to be right now. I’m trying everyday to think positive thoughts and to keep a gratitude journal. I am just not a happy camper.
It has been recommended that I do a 72 Hour Fast. Through all the research I’ve read, it looks doable. I can have 200 calories a day plus water, tea, and coffee. I won’t have coffee though as I can’t drink it black. According to the medical journals, a 24-hour fast doesn’t do much, a 48-hour fast has good results, and a 72-hour fast can reset the immune system. Since I have a compromised immune system, I will do the 72-hour fast.
I started to put foods into an online food calculator to see just what I could have. Here is the recipe I came up with.
That leaves me with just 80 calories to play around with. I know it is the kind of calories that matter the most and knowing that the vegetables are low in calories shows I can snack on them when I get hungry. But 200 calories is not a lot at all…
What About CrossFit?
One of my first questions was whether I could still do CrossFit during this 72 hour fast. The simple answer is YES. I have a lot extra fuel reserves on my body, evidenced my the lovely dimples on my thighs. When we don’t feed our body the energy it needs it will head straight to our fuel reserves. I sure hope it uses the reserves on my legs first!
I have been warned though that I could get overly tired, dizzy, and be even grumpier. That’s nice. My water intake will double through this to help flush out my system.
Detox Green Smoothie
For this recipe, I’m using a blender and not my juicer. I want all the fiber and plant parts I can get! I also won’t add in Almond milk like I normally do, but just water and ice.
1 cup Spinach
1 cup Arugula
1 cup Kale
10 Springs Parsley
1/2 Cucumber
3 Tbsp Egg Whites
1/2 Asian Apple Pear
1 Tbsp Lemon Juice
1 oz Carrot Juice
I start with fresh, organic ingredients… look at how delicious and nutritious this arugula looks!
I easily go through three pounds of fresh, organic spinach every week. I like it raw in salads, most often, I add a cup to my daily green smoothie. I’m glad that I will have it during this 72-hour fast!
Add all of the ingredients into your blender with the a cup of water and a cup of ice added in last. Blend on high for 15-20 seconds. I like the taste, but sometimes I add a dash of organic cinnamon, nutmeg, or cardamon to it – don’t worry, they don’t have calories in this amount and the cinnamon helps your digestive system get to work.
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I want to try this, as intermittent fasting. It was my understanding that avidin from raw egg whites blocks biotin in the gut. Perhaps pasteurized egg whites wouldn’t make that happen.