Talk Tuesday: When Are You Getting Married?
Talk Tuesday is my most read post every week. It is where you get to ask me whatever you want and I answer you here. Did you miss the prior weeks, take a peek as there is some good stories in there: Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | Week 8 | Week 9 | Week 10 | Week 11 | Week 12 | Week 13 | Week 14 | Week 15 | Week 16. Have a question for me about anything under the sun? Ask away in the comments below before next Tuesday. I
How was your first snow?
This past weekend I went to the End Of Summer Camp in Homer, Alaska. On the trip down there we drove through snow for a few minutes and that was cool to see. On Friday night though it snowed slightly throughout the night. When I woke up the next morning there was a light dusting over the rolling hills. The mountains in the distance were completely covered. It was so beautiful! Read about this epic weekend here.
I put on my I put on my Timberland boots and my L.L. Bean jacket to face my first snow. I love my boots – but I soon realized I need to get snow boots. This whole snow thing is a big to do! The first snow was exciting, but I know I might not be as excited at the end of winter!
How is your prep for winter going?
Slow. Before I leave on Friday for the Lower 48 I am trying to get my car outfitted. I’m having an auto start put on and still need to get the engine heater thingy. I’m also hoping to get the studded snow tires put on too. I know when I get back in a couple weeks that I wont be able to drive without them. Stressful. This snow stuff is SO stressful for someone who has absolutely NO idea as to what she is doing. Seriously, someone hold me.
As for clothes, I still don’t own a sweater up here. I’m hoping to go shopping and am bringing an extra suitcase with me to bring stuff back. I still need hats, scarves, gloves, sweaters, and base layers. I’m seriously not sure about this decision anymore to stay. I’m more than a tad freaked out.
Do you miss the flash floods and crazy Arizona weather?
YES!! This is the first year of my entire life that I didn’t experience a day over 100 or see the beautiful Monsoon storms. There is nothing quite like an Arizona sunset after the summer rains. I miss that a lot. I see photos that my friends post and I get homesick. In Arizona right now everyone is coming out of their summer hibernation to enjoy the great fall and winter weather. That is the exact opposite of what I am going through. People are gearing up to be inside for a good part of the day. It amazes me the ying and yang that is Alaska and Arizona.
When are you getting married?
Not anytime soon. I’m not currently dating anyone. For the first time since I was divorced four years ago, I posted a pic with me and this amazing man I met up here while we were out hiking at a glacier. That was my post Liked post ever. Seriously. I guess you guys like seeing me happy with a man. I really liked him and he liked me as well. But the timing was off. I don’t have any luck when it comes to timing, honestly. He was at the end of a divorce and not ready to love someone else just yet. I still care a great deal about it him. But for now, he needs to heal and find his way. Maybe in the future we will revisit Us, but for now I am single again.
I’m always asked if I want to get married again. Yes, I do. I love being in a relationship. I learned a lot in my first marriage of how to be a good wife and what I did that made the marriage suck. For a long time, I thought it was just him. But it wasn’t. We were just the wrong two people in a marriage. But you know what? I loved being married and in a relationship and I hope that I have the chance to be married to the perfect man for me. No man is perfect mind you, just the one perfect for my less-than-ordinary personality.
I would love to find a man to complement me, not complete me. One that wants to explore what the world has to offer, even if it is just in our backyard. A man who loves my cooking and doesn’t mind my drive and passion. Every man says he wants an independent woman. But they don’t. Most men have no idea how to handle independence and a mind that is as deep as mine. I’ve been told over and over that I think too much, feel too deeply, that I am such an overachiever that they feel inadequate by my side. I have fully embraced my free spirit, analytical thinking, and very emotional heart. I want a man that cherishes those traits and wants to lift me up, not push me down. Know of such a man?
PS… He must like good craft beer. MUST.
Sounds like it’s time to start dating CEOs 🙂