Sometimes I put my thoughts to the photos I have taken. Here are a few I have created so far. What do you think?
I am a very deep, mindful thinker and a very emotional being. I have been told that my words and thoughts help others to heal and to do better. I have been kicked down and a lot and I always get back up, dust myself off, and stand up and keep moving.
Whenever I am faced with adversity these days, I don’t immediately lash back out like I did when I was younger. I think about the pain the other must be in to feel and act that way. I don’t want to inflict more pain into the situation. I often now send them healing energy to help them move on and see it isn’t me they are upset with, but something deep in their own core. So instead of spewing hate and rumors I try to share love and understanding. This at times is the hardest thing I have ever tried to do. The change I want to see in the world first has to start in me.
I love this idea! I am starting graduate school in Marriage, Family and Couple Counseling June 2nd and plan to create a new site for my journey and to help other students on long their path to their career and happiness. You have inspired me to start something like this on my new site which is going to cover drug addiction and other family topics.