When I originally wrote this post it was to explain how I handle living a life with 90+ food allergies and literally, allergic to air, and why I often self-isolate for weeks at a time. You see, I have a ton of environmental allergens that are life threatening to me. When I don’t feel well or when we are in high pollen season, I quarantine myself and I’ve been doing this on and off for the past two years. With what is happening in the world right now, my hope is you can take a few of my tips and use them to help you navigate social distance and being self-quarantined. I wrote the Top 15 Things To Have When Staying Home for 2+ Weeks to help think of things that might not be on your quarantine checklist. Also, don’t over buy and panic. Your neighbors and friends need supplies too. Be kind and responsible with your purchases. Remember, we are all in this together.
Disclosure: This post not only shares information about staying home and self-quarantining, but also has Affiliate Links that I earn commissions from. This is how I make a living and keep this little blog running. Thank you for supporting me!
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I posted a video talking about how I personally handle my day-to-day interactions with the outside world and how I make sure my home is a safe zone. Check out the tips in the comments. They might sound like a lot, but it’s worth it.
I am not a prepper, but because I have been sick for weeks on end and live in Alaska and my family is in Arizona, I always have extras on hand. My dad taught me to buy two or three of something when it was on sale. One to use now and the others to save for later. Personally, I eat mostly organic, non-GMO and make the majority of my food from scratch.
I’m also pretty grain-free as well as soy-free and gluten-free. I also do not eat commercially-raised meat, but rather game meat, and fish I’ve caught in Alaska’s pristine waters. If I do eat meat from the store it has to be 100% organic grass-fed, grass-finished; otherwise I will have an allergic reaction to it. I mention all of this as what I stock up on might be different than what you do, but gives an idea that even those of us with special diets and underlying conditions can get through this.
Just like it is important to have a Go-Bag ready in case of emergency, it is also a good idea to have your home prepared in the event that you need to be quarantined. Don’t forget, when you need to be quarantined, you can’t exactly go out to the grocery store. With the current situation being what it is, it’s a good idea for to have items that you need for 2-3 weeks, not necessarily 2-3 months!
Being prepared is important, but especially so for those with compromised immune systems. If you are among the people who have a compromised immune system, you may consider self-isolating to protect yourself from sickness. This is what I’m doing.
Top 15 Things To Have When Staying Home for 2+ Weeks
Hundreds of people are already quarantined in their homes, and it can happen to anyone. We would all like to not become ill, and we don’t want to induce panic, but it is important to be prepared. I self-quarantine all the time. Sometimes I do it for mental health, other times when outside pollens make it difficult for me to be outside, and always when I’m sick.
To prepare yourself for possible quarantine or staying home for 2+ weeks, here are the top 15 items I have on my list.
The Essentials for Staying Home or a Quarantine Checklist
1. 14-Day Food Supply
Take a look at what is in your fridge and freezer, then make a list. I have a ton of fresh-caught salmon, halibut, lingcod, as well as an a whole organic chicken. What I don’t have is any moose meat to make stews or burgers. I know that Costco currently carries 100% Grass-Fed Ground Beef Patties in their freezer section. That goes on my list. That’s all I need for meat, and I will be just fine if I can’t get it.
I definitely need more cheese, creamer, heavy whipping cream, coconut milk, eggs, and lots of veggies. I have a green shake every day as well as a huge salad. I then looked in my pantry and I am out of rice (for Porter’s dog food), peanut butter (for cookies!), and gluten-free pasta. I put all of those on my list.
Banza is my current fave gluten-free pasta. It doesn’t get mushy and is delicious in my homemade Mac n’ Cheese!
Here’s a general list of items that could be on your list:
- Dry goods (pasta, beans, rice, oats). These items all keep very well and they provide a great foundation for your supplies. You don’t need to add much to create meals out of these items.
- Canned goods. Tomato paste, tomato sauce, beans, tuna fish, soups, vegetables, coconut or other non-dairy beverage. These types of goods provide nourishment, but can also be used to create meals with the above mentioned dry goods.
- Freezer and Refrigerator stock. Stock up on items that you can refrigerate, BUT make sure they are things you love to eat and can make different meals with. For instance: Cauliflower, cabbage, spinach, berries and other veggies, plus bacon, eggs, cheese, milk, and meats that you can freeze.
- Comfort food. Yes, comfort food is necessary in times of quarantine! When you’re stuck in your home without any outside interaction for weeks, it can get to be difficult on your mental health. You would be surprised to learn just how much something simple like a tasty piece of dark chocolate or cup of coffee can improve your mood. You may be stuck, but you should still be comfortable! For me it is coffee creamer. I don’t ever run out of coffee creamer, it’s just not advised. 😉
This is my Go-To Creamer right here. So good!
PS – Premake your favorite soups and freeze them. Go ahead and make some casseroles and other make-ahead meals so that when you aren’t feeling well, you have nutritious food to heat up.
2. Water
While your water supply shouldn’t be affected, it is always a good idea to have bottled water on hand just in case {if you drink bottled water}. It is suggested that you have 1 gallon of water, per person, per day. For me, I use glass growlers and fill those up with our great-tasting, straight-from-the-glacier water. I personally do not buy bottled water, I do however have a slight obsession with Spindrift’s naturally flavored sparkling water. So good!Spindrift does not have artificial nor natural flavors. It is flavored by real squeezed fruit. So good!
3. Hygiene and Self-Care Items
You need to be sure to have a 30-day supply of hygiene care products on hand, this includes:
- Toilet paper
- Kleenex
- Soap
- Shampoo + Conditioner
- Face & Hand Lotion
- Toothpaste
- Feminine care products
4. Household Items
It’s more important than ever to clean your house and disinfect any germs that may be lingering so definitely stock up on household cleaners, and other products. I do not use harsh chemicals in my home. Instead I use BioKleen, Mrs. Meyers, and Method with Viva paper towels or I make my own with vinegar and lemon juice.
5. Medications
It is recommended that you have, at minimum, a 30-day supply of medication. This includes your prescriptions, headache meds, inhalers, eyedrops, and cold/flu medicines. I take a tablespoon of Elderberry and a few other supplements every day, so I make sure I have those on hand too. Don’t forget Vitamin C to boost immunity as well as Vitamin D since you will be inside and not getting as much sunshine. I take a Suja Immunity Shot everyday to help my body fight off illness.
I love Elderberry syrup. And yes, I have even added it on top of my vanilla ice cream. Yummy!
Here is an essential list to have to combat being sick.
- Tylenol
- Advil
- Cough Medicine – Mucinex, Nyquil, Robitussin – whatever is your fave
- Humidifier
A humidifier, as stated by the CDC, is shown to help reduce the symptoms of many colds and flus.
If you don’t have one, sit in a hot shower and breathe in deeply for 5-10 minutes.
6. First Aid Kit
A first aid kit that can easily treat common injuries is important to keep on hand. Don’t forget to have a thermometer on hand.
I also attach this to my backpack when I head out into nature!
7. Gatorade or Hydration Formula
When you are dealing with illness, it is easy to become dehydrated. To prevent this, stock up on gatorade or other hydration formulas (they have some great here). I make my own by adding sea salt to water with a little lemon for flavor. My guilty pleasure is Gingerale though.
8. Pet Food
Make sure you have pet food on hand! My little buddy, Porter Storm, only eats regular kibble dog food when we are traveling. I make his food from scratch. He eats a lot of salmon since we live in Alaska and I am sustenance fisherman. 🙂
Entertainment Ideas
When the world gets crazy, it’s a good idea to retreat for a minute and catch your breath. Take a look at what you enjoy for self-care and prepare for that.
Being stuck inside for a long period of time can drive you stir-crazy, especially for those of us that are used to being on the go all the time. Make sure you have plenty of stuff to do. Here are some ideas for things to keep you busy while you are in quarantine:
9. Stream All the Things
- Netflix
- Amazon Prime Video
- Hulu
- Vudu
- Disney+ – Did you hear Frozen 2 will launch this Sunday? Yay!
Seriously, what better time to binge watch your favorite shows then during a quarantine? Make sure your Netflix account is up to date and active.
10. Amazon Prime
Amazon is great for many things, but it can really save you during a quarantine. If you are running low on supplies, most of them can likely be ordered on Amazon and delivered within two days to the contiguous states and 7-10 days for Alaska and Hawaii.
Amazon Business is what I have. I receive a little bit of a discount on a lot of my purchases too.
11. Stretch Your Mind
Read. Read and read some more. Listen to a podcast or an audiobook. Nothing like learning something new to pass the time.
- Books – I right now I can’t get enough of Barbara O’Neal.
Here’s a free month to Kindle if you could use it.
- Magazines
- Podcasts
- Audiobooks
12. Write, Draw, or Paint It Out.
- Sketch Books
- Journals
- Coloring Books – I might have a few I’ve created. 😉 You can purchase them directly from here on AlaskaWildandFree.com or have them delivered by Amazon here.
- Painting – I want to learn to paint and already had these coming. I can’t wait to take some time away and relax and see what happens.
I have a super secret project I’m working on and will show you what I’m with these!
I have a super secret project I’m working on and will show you what I’m with these! In the meantime, did you know there were acrylic paint pens? I didn’t!
13. Play a Game
- Board games
- Video Games
- Cards/Dice
- Puzzles
Is this not the coolest puzzle ever?!?
Other Important Stuff
14. Cash
Cash is another one of those things that is always good to have on hand in any emergency. In case things go south, have a little money on hard just in case, if you can.
15. Emergency Contact List & Notes
If you are sick, it is important to have an emergency contact list readily available in your home. In the event that emergency personnel need to assist you, they will know who to contact. Please list out what medications you are on, if you are allergic to anything, and directives as needed.
I live alone so I make sure to have it posted whom to call to be notified if I’m hospitalized. I also list information on my dog too. He is part of my family and will need to be taken care of if I am unable to.
And remember: We are all this together. We have to take care of each other. Don’t let fear win. Do better. BE better. Breathe.
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