On Friday, I published this post To Roe or Not To Roe That is the Question. Should I Join LuLaRoe? Then I popped over to Facebook and did a Live Facebook Video: I Have a Big Announcement to Make. Watch the video and read on to see what happened next.
The Onboarding Call
That morning I had my onboarding call and paid a good chunk of change on inventory from LuLaRoe. Well, I wish I could tell you that the call was all roses and sunshine, but it wasn’t. I called in (usually they call you) and was put on hold for 45 minutes to talk to Customer Service. As they transferred the call, it got disconnected. Ugh.
Then I called back and the receptionist informed me that Customer Service couldn’t take my onboarding order and that she would have someone from the Onboarding Team call me back. I had waited another 20 minutes for her to tell me this. Fifteen minutes later, the nicest woman from LuLaRoe called me back. Then when we finally got to the point of handing over my credit card information she told me it didn’t go through. What the what?
I had contacted PayPal earlier to make sure there wouldn’t be a problem with such a large withdrawal on my account. They said they couldn’t find my request and it would be a 3-hour wait on the phone. Um, no. He then came back on not a minute later and said since I was a Premier account holder that I get put to the front of the line. Woot Woot! It took 20 minutes and a super attentive PayPal rep to get my account all fixed up. After what happened last year with them, there were notes all over my account!
{Read: PayPal Shuts Down My Debit Card When Im In the Middle of Nowhere}
Then Reality Hit Me
I hung up the phone and a wave of excitement washed over me! I was really going to do this. Wait. What did I get myself into? Could I do it? Would I fail? Would people support me? Would people mock me? I have a problem (still) caring about what others think about me.
I know I want to do a lot of online LuLaRoe sales and Live Videos is a part of that marketing strategy. I figured, why not make the announcement in a Facebook Live Video? I had no idea how emotional I would get making that announcement! I don’t like asking for help, I’m not very good at it. But I did it and the wave of what that support meant to me came over me.
You can hear it in my voice in the video. Being vulnerable isn’t easy, but it is how I write. For the first time, I let others see that in a video. This could be why I’ve been asked to do podcasts and videos. Being open, being myself, and following my passions is what others what to read and see. It is definitely what makes me, well – me.
The Response
I will say that 95% of the response from friends and family were amazing. There were lots of comments and Likes on the video and the blog post. Then came quite a few private messages cheering me on and asking what was this LuLaRoe thing was that they kept hearing about? To be honest, I loved receiving the support. Deciding to do a direct sales company was not my bag. Or at least it wasn’t before LuLaRoe. I am the biggest sceptic of MLMs and direct sales companies. This one is different. I don’t ever have to encourage others to sign up or pay a fee to join or pay any upfront costs.
That’s right. None of those things. You do have to buy inventory, clothes specifically. The problem with a lot of direct sales companies is that you have to educate people on the product’s value and worth. But more importantly, on how to use it. Take essential oils for example – if someone didn’t tell you all the things you could use Lavender oil for, would you know? What about a t-shirt or a pair of leggings? Does someone need to tell you how to put them on? (One leg at a time, btw!)
No, no they don’t. There isn’t a gimmick, they are just unique clothes that come in a very limited amount. I love that part of it! I don’t want to wear what everyone else is wearing. I don’t buy mass jewelry for that reason nor do I buy clothes that everyone else is wearing. I want to be different. LuLaRoe helps me do that.
What’s Next?
I have about 10 days to get this business setup. That really is not a lot of time. Most people take 6-8 weeks. Plus, I worked a ton this weekend! I’m doing another post on what that setup looks like because I have had quite a few people messaging me about it. The good part about this first step is that this is my favorite part! I absolutely love setting up new companies! So guess who was up at 4:30am this morning raring to go?
Coffee, LuLaRoe leggings, Erin Condren planner, and my latest blog post… this is why I love Mondays!!
Over the next 10 days, I will be posting in my Facebook group on how all of this works. I’m creating social channels to go with all of this. I’m still debating if I will have a blog specific to LuLaRoe or keep you all here with me. I kinda like you right here – it makes me feel like I have a big ‘ol community of awesomesauce behind me. Plus, you already know my quirky no-bullshitting, craft beer loving personality. 🙂
Join me in my LuLaRoe group for shenanigans. Lots and lots of shenanigans!
What I could use help with though, is spreading the word of my Facebook Group. I also made this handy dandy little form if you would like to host a Pop Up either in person or online. I’m working my travel schedule for the next six months. So even if you don’t live in Alaska, I just might be in your area and able to do an in person event. Just let me know!
LuLaRoe Hostess (or Host) Signup
Oh, What About the Naysayers?
There were a few as I figured there would be. I’m trying not to focus on that. If I did then it would get me down or second guess my decision. I don’t need that right now. Yes, I have seen the subtweets and updates a few people have posted. Positivity is what I need around me right now as I travel down a road that is way out of my wheel house – negativity can see itself right out the door, thank you very much.
Congrats and good luck on your new business venture!
Yay Kristi! We moved out of Alaska and back to Montana back in April. Life’s been a bit chaotic but I came over here to see what you were up to and see you’ve onboarded! Wow! Oddly, I just queued on Wednesday night so I’m also starting my journey too! I was thinking about starting my blog back up and also blogging my journey so this will be fun.
I don’t know what all this Lularoe stuff is all about, but I do love me a good print, so I’d like to check out what you have! I’m requesting a join to your group right now…