I have been having so many dreams that are filled with anger, weariness, and frustration. In my waking hours I have felt worthless, up against a wall I can’t see unable to breathe, and debating whether to give up on this way of life. Life has been a little sideways lately. I keep thinking… The last time… the last time I did this, the last time I felt this… So I figured my brain needed to get it out… so this is a post about the last time and the possibility of feeling alive again. I’m hoping by writing it out and sharing it, that I can find some clarity and move on.
The last time I heard a man tell me he loved me was six years ago.
Will I ever hear those three little words again?
Words so powerful
They can change the wind
Burn the flesh
Inspire the mind
Create a desire deep down in my soul.
Looking into the depths of a man’s eyes
Seeing him without his shield
Penetrating his armor.
Knocking his walls down
With one gaze
One touch
A single kiss.
A promise made
When no words were spoken.
Trust built
Through actions
Not words.
Betrayals forgotten.
Lies never told.
Past hurts and loves
Fade away with the midnight sun.
Love remembers
Hope remains
The light within
Sparks and ignites
At the possibility
Of feeling alive
Read last week’s poem: Don’t Hide In Your Mind
Don’t give up! You have a lot going for you.
Stick in there – everything will happen at the most unexpected times!
That’s a great poem. No matter what happens you don’t need a man to make you happy.