Talk Tuesday with Kristi Trimmer
This is the 13th Talk Tuesday post – can you believe I’ve been doing them that long? Did you miss the other ones? Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | Week 8 | Week 9 | Week 10 | Week 11 | Week 12 | Week 13. It amazes me that the Talk Tuesday posts get so much engagement and I love it! I collect the questions people ask me and answer them every Tuesday. Have a question for me about anything? Ask away in the comments below before next Tuesday. I’m always surprised what people end up asking me!
What is the record for largest salmon caught in Alaska?
King Salmon (Chinook): 97 pounds, 4 ounces
Caught in the Kenai River by Les Anderson in 1985.
Silver Salmon (Coho): 26 pounds
Caught in the Icy Strait by Andrew Robbins in 1976.
Red Salmon (Sockeye): 16 pounds
Caught in the Kenai River by Chuck Leach in 1974.
Silverbrite Salmon (Keta): 32 pounds
Caught at Caamano Point by Fredrick Thynes in 1985.
Pink Salmon (Humpy): 12 pounds, 9 ounces
Caught in the Moose River by Steven Lee in 1974.
Wild Alaskan King Salmon Fillet $27.95
In case you want to try your hand next year. 🙂
Most expensive food you have bought since being there?
We all know by now that food in Alaska is anything but cheap. The most expensive of course is when i got out to eat. In a lot of areas you can not find a quick meal for less than $12 – I mean, like a burrito. I’m not kidding. Dinner ranges from $25-35 a plate including pasta dishes without protein. Even though Halibut is caught up here, it is still $19/lb in the stores. The latest thing that made me stare at the price were for large potatoes – they wanted a $1 a piece for them. Sigh. It feels like everything I buy is more than what I am used to. I am back to couponing as I still want to eat healthy. I don’t eat much meat anymore because of the price and thankfully have friends who fish and have had fresh salmon and halibut to cook with.
What animals have you seen so far in Alaska. What do you still need to check off?
I have seen these animals in Alaska:
- Black Bear
- Grizzly Bear
- Moose
- Caribou
- Dall Sheep
- Mountain Goats
- Porcupine
- Grey Whales
- Orca Whales
- Beluga Whales
- Sea Otters
- Stellar Sea Lions
- Harbor Seals
- Bald Eagles
- Golden Eagles
- Trumpeter Swans
- Puffins
I still want to see a Bull Moose with those great big antlers. I’ve also not seen any moose or bears in Anchorage even though people say they are all over.
Describe your experience in Alaska in just one word… and why.
Incredible. I came here to see wildlife and scenery like I have never seen before. I have done that in so many ways. The animals here are incredible, the landscape is incredibly beautiful, and their are incredible glaciers around every turn. I never in a million years thought I would see Beluga Whales or see a Glacier. Mind blown.
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